Why You Need Reader Sunglasses
It’s Not Just for Convenience

Do you wear glasses for reading or bifocals when you’re driving or playing sports? Do you get frustrated switching back and forth between your readers and sunglasses? Or maybe you’ve given up on sunglasses altogether because it’s just too much hassle?
That’s why you need reader sunglasses instead. They’re the perfect mix of reading glasses and sunglasses, with +1.5, +2.0 or +2.5 power built right into the lenses. Here are three reasons — besides the obvious convenience — to consider a pair of reader sunglasses.
- Eye protection. A high-quality pair of reader sunglasses helps prevent damage to the eyes caused by UV rays, protect areas around the eyes from skin cancer and keep wrinkles from forming on delicate skin. No brand of reader sunglasses does all that better than Maui Jim. Our polarized sunglasses block 100% of UVA, UVB and UVC rays and have earned the Skin Cancer Foundation Seal of Recommendation.
- Fashionable choices. Sometimes reader sunglasses get a bad reputation for being unattractive. But you don’t have to sacrifice your fashion and lifestyle preferences for a better view. Whether you like cat-eyes, aviators, a luxury look or any other style, you can add readers to almost any pair of Maui Jim polarized sunglasses. Because our bifocal element is practically undetectable, no one will know the difference.
- With Maui Jim, you can even create your own custom pair of reader sunglasses. Start by browsing all our styles. When you land on a frame you like, click the “Customize” button. From there, add your reader strength — +1.5, +2.0 or +2.5 power — along with other options like frame color, lens color and fashion mirrors. It’s easy!
The reasons why you need reader sunglasses are numerous, and so are the benefits of choosing the right pair. Let Maui Jim give you the better view you deserve while protecting your eyes from harm.